POCA 2005. Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of Young Researchers on Cypriot Archaeology, Department of Classics, Trinity College, Dublin, 21-22 October 2005 Giorgos Papantoniou, Aoife Fitzgerald and Siobhán Hargis (2008) BAR Number: S1803
Use of Land in Central Southern England during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age David Field (2008) BAR Number: B458
Frauen und Römisches Militär: Beiträge eines Runden Tisches in Xanten vom 7. bis 9. Juli 2005 Ulrich Brandl (2008) BAR Number: S1759
Prehistoric and Later Settlement and Landscape from Chiltern Scarp to Aylesbury Vale: The archaeology of the Aston Clinton Bypass, Buckinghamshire Robert Masefield (2008) BAR Number: B473
Bronze Priests of Ancient Egypt from the Middle Kingdom to the Græco-Roman Period Barbara Mendoza (2008) BAR Number: S1866
A Romano-British Livestock Complex in Birmingham: Excavations 2002-2004 and 2006-2007 at Longdales Road, King's Norton, Birmingham Alex Jones, Bob Burrows, C. Jane Evans, Annette Hancocks and Josh Williams (2008) BAR Number: B470
Estudio historiográfico de las investigaciones sobre cerámica arqueológica en el Noroeste Argentino Paola Silvia Ramundo (2008) BAR Number: S1840
L'area ionico-tarantina nel quadro della diffusione neolitica: Problematiche e analisi dei rapporti con le culture coeve dell'Italia sud-orientale e del Vicino Oriente Patrizia Lorusso (2008) BAR Number: S1845
Une anthropologie des manifestations esthétiques du Mésolithique européen de la fin du Tardiglaciaire et durant le Postglaciaire Florence Bouvry (2008) BAR Number: S1766
Theorising Tenure: Land Division and Identity in Later Prehistoric Dartmoor, South-West Britain Helen Wickstead (2008) BAR Number: B465
Chasser les chevaux à la fin du Paléolitique dans le Bassin parisien: Stratégie cynégétique et mode de vie au Magdalénien et à l'Azilien ancien Olivier Bignon (2008) BAR Number: S1747
Egyptian Tomb Architecture: The archaeological facts of pharaonic circular symbolism David I. Lightbody (2008) BAR Number: S1852