Taphonomy and Zooarchaeology in Argentina María A. Gutierrez, Laura Miotti, Gustavo Barrientos, Guillermo Mengoni Goñalons and Mónica Salemme (2007) BAR Number: S1601
Producer of the Living, Eater of the Dead: Revealing Tlaltecuhtli, the Two-Faced Aztec Earth Lucia Henderson (2007) BAR Number: S1649
Paléoparasitologie: Contribution à l’étude des paléoenvironnements de sites pléistocènes et holocènes du littoral méditerranéen français Françoise Avantin (2007) BAR Number: S1600
Provincia Maritima Italorum: Fortificazioni altomedievali in Liguria Paola Greppi (2007) BAR Number: S1839
Ancient Settlement in the Zammar Region: Excavations at Tell Abu Dhahir: Excavations by the British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq in the Eski Mosul Dam Salvage Project, 1985-86 Volume Two St John Simpson (2007) BAR Number: S1724
Tecnología y Sociedad: Biografía e Historia Social de las Palas del Oasis de Tebenquiche Chico, Puna de Atacama, Primer Milenio d.C. Marcos Román Gastaldi (2007) BAR Number: S1670
De antiguos pueblos y culturas botánicas en el Puerto Rico indígena: El archipiélago borincano y la llegada de los primeros pobladores agroceramistas Jaime R. Pagán Jiménez (2007) BAR Number: S1687
Social Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Domestic Architecture Aikaterini Koltsida (2007) BAR Number: S1608
Remembering the Dead in Anglo-Saxon England: Memory theory in archaeology and history Zoe Devlin (2007) BAR Number: B446
The Roundhouses, Brochs and Wheelhouses of Atlantic Scotland c. 700 BC - AD 500: Architecture and material culture. Part 2. The Northern and Southern Mainland and the Western Islands Euan W. MacKie (2007) BAR Number: B444
Rebuilding the Britons: The postcolonial archaeology of culture and identity in the late antique Bristol Channel region Christopher R. Bowles (2007) BAR Number: B452
Histoire des paysages méditerranéens terrassés: aménagements et agriculture Romana Harfouche (2007) BAR Number: S1634
Charsadda The British-Pakistani Excavations at the Bala Hisar Robin Coningham and Ihsan Ali (2007) BAR Number: S1709