- Africa14
- Agriculture / Farming / Husbandry / Land-use / Irrigation9
- Arabia9
- Archaeobotany / Environment and Climate4
- Archaeometry / Scientific Dating6
- Archaeozoology / Bioarchaeology / Osteoarchaeology8
- Architecture / Domestic and Urban Buildings and Space / Urbanism26
- Architecture / Domestic and Urban Buildings and Spaces1
- Art / Sculpture / Gems / Seals17
- British Isles9
- Bronze Age and Iron Age19
- Catalogues / Collections / Indexes / Bibliographies6
- Central and Eastern Europe15
- Central and South America and the Caribbean5
- Central and South Asia5
- Ceramics and Pottery Studies29
- Christianity / Churches / Monastic11
- Classical and Hellenistic23
- Computing and Quantitative Methods2
- Conflict / Military / Fortifications18