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Restricted Session C32: Contemporary Issues in Historical Archaeology; Session C55: Romanization and Indigenous Societies. Rhythms, Ruptures and Continuities; Session S01: History, Archaeology and Society; Session WS07: Public Archaeology: Proceedings of the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon 4-9 September 2006) / Actes du XV Congrès Mondial (Lisbonne 4-9 Septembre 2006) Vol 34

Pedro P. Funari, Nanci Oliveira, Andrés Zarankin, Ximena Senatore, Lourdes Dominguez, João Pedro Bernardes, Fábio Vergara Cerqueira, Luciana Peixoto, Fábio Vergara Cerqueira, Laurent Caron and Tony Waegeman

(2010) BAR Number: S2083

Restricted Methods of art history tested against prehistory: session C74. Spiral and circular forms: the most common rock art in the world?: session C81. European cave art: session C85. Euro-Mediterranean rock art studies: session S02. Global state of the art: session S07. Current state of North American rock art: session WS37

Marc Groenen, Didier Martens, Jane Kolber, John Clegg, Alicia Distel, Kevin Sharpe, Jean Clottes, Mila Simões Abreu, Giriraj Kumar, Robert Bednarik, James Keyser, Mavis Greer, Claudia Fidalgo and Luiz Oosterbeek

(2010) BAR Number: S2108