What's New? A big title launch, some cool features, and news about ACLS HEB

New Home for ACLS HEB

Michigan Publishing is the new organizational home for the ACLS Humanities E-Book Collection. In 2019, ACLS decided to focus on its core work of stewarding and representing its member organizations, supporting scholarship in the humanities and social sciences, and advocating for the centrality of the humanities in the modern world. After consultation with trusted stakeholders including major academic publishers, funders, and college and university librarians, it transferred the ownership of HEB to its long-time partner, taking effect in 2020. Since 2005 Michigan Publishing has hosted and distributed the collection, most recently successfully migrating it to Fulcrum. Michigan has committed to maintaining the practices, the character, and the mission of HEB and will continue to partner with ACLS which will continue to oversee the selection of titles. The collection will continue to be known as ACLS HEB.

ACLS HEB Oplontis Volume 2

In late September, we published Oplontis Villa A (“of Poppaea”) at Torre Annunziata, Italy, Volume 2: The Decorations, Stucco, Pavements, Sculptures, edited by John R. Clarke and Nayla K. Muntasser. This is the second of four volumes devoted to the archaeological discoveries made at the Villa A site at Oplontis (Torre Annunziata, Italy). These titles are open-access and exclusively offered in the ACLS Humanities E-Book collection on Fulcrum, where you can also view the second volume.

Interactive Maps Integration

This summer, we worked with Matthew Naglak through the Rackham Public Engagement Fellowship program to develop broader support for interactive maps and other types of spatial information within the Fulcrum platform, fulfilling a growing need among our author and publisher communities. Through collaboration with our staff, authors, and publishing partners, Matthew worked to better understand and document current and ideal practices in the creation, display, and preservation of interactive maps in the context of Fulcrum monographs. He also created written content to help authors get started building maps within the [Leaflet] JavaScript Library for books to be published on Fulcrum.

Hypothes.is Integration

A screenshot of hypothesis implemented with Lever Press

In July, our development team implemented hypothes.is, an annotation and highlighting tool. This tool is currently only being implemented for Lever Press titles, but we are working on integration with our other publishing partners. Stay tuned!

The University of Michigan Press Ebook Collection (UMP EBC)

We’re in full swing for the second year of the UMP EBC! The Spring 2020 frontlist is set to publish soon for current and future library clients. You can check out sample titles at fulcrum.org/michigan. For more information about the UMP EBC and how to purchase the collection, please visit press.umich.edu/librarians. With questions concerning the collection, please email Lanell White, Director of Sales and Marketing, at [email protected].

Where to Find Us

Charleston Library Conference|November 4-8, Charleston, SC

Editoria Community Meeting|December 3 & 4, Chicago, IL

ER&L|March 8-11 2020, Austin, TX

University Press Redux Conference|March 17 & 18 2020, Cambridge, UK