• Figure 37. Guardian of the national patrimony or Cook's tourist? Khedive Tawfiq (with the furled white umbrella) and entourage at the Temple of Philae. In the photo album entitled "Voyage de Son Altesse le Khédive dans la Haute-Egypte, 1891," by Abdullah Frères, 28.

Guardian of the national patrimony or Cook's tourist? Khedive Tawfiq (with the furled white umbrella) and entourage at the Temple of Philae. In the photo album entitled "Voyage de Son Altesse le Khédive dans la Haute-Egypte, 1891," by Abdullah Frères, 28.

From Whose pharaohs?: archaeology, museums, and Egyptian national identity from Napoleon to World War I by Donald Malcolm Reid

  • Middle Eastern: 632-1918
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