• Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906). Her birthday, February 15. is often celebrated along with Valentine’s Day. This portrait, in her study (ca. 1900) shows her surrounded by photos of many friends from her abolition, temperance, and women's rights campaigns. She had incredible reserves of courage and energy, demonstrated in a political career of more than 50 years. In Europe, aged 63, she said in her diary: "Breakfast was sent to my room and, for the first time in my life, I ate it in bed. What would my mother have said?" Her last public appearance was at a party for her 86th birthday, where she told the 400 guests: "Failure is impossible."

Susan B. Anthony in Her Study postcard

From Women Making History: The Revolutionary Feminist Postcard Art of Helaine Victoria Press by Julia M. Allen and Jocelyn H. Cohen

  • Continental 4 ¼” x 6” postcard. Letterpress printed in black with gold border. A few months later, for fun, they ran some of the cards through the press again, adding a red heart. They included the heart on later editions as well so that the cards could be used as Valentine’s Day, February 14, greetings because Anthony’s birthday was February 15. Portraits include Lucretia Mott, Mary Anthony, Ernestine Rose, Dr. Anna Howard Shaw and, of course, Elizabeth Cady Stanton (beside heart).
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  • HISTORY / Women
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