• Fig. 22. March 13, 1943, Japanese prime minister Tōjō Hideki meeting with high-ranking members of the Wang Jingwei government in Nanjing. From left to right in the front row: Mamoru Shigemitsu, Tōjō Hideki, Wang Jingwei, Chen Gongbo, and Zhou Fohai. Wang Jingwei and Lin Baisheng photo collection 1940–44, East Asia Library Special Collections, Stanford University.

March 13, 1943, Japanese Prime Minister Tōjō Hideki meeting with high-ranking members of the Wang Jingwei government in Nanjing

From Poetry, History, Memory: Wang Jingwei and China in Dark Times by Zhiyi Yang

Creator Role
  • History:Chinese History
  • Asian Studies:China
  • Literary Studies:Poetry and Poetry Criticism
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