• Fig. 4.2. By equal parts design and chance, Federico's education was itinerant, cultivating in him diplomatic and military skills while introducing him to the ruling elite in several of Italy's power centers. During his stay in Venice, he joined the chivalric order of the Compagnia della Calza, whose patrician members were known as the Accesi, the inflamed ones (Raggio, Gubbio Studiolo, 19). To the end of his life, Federico displayed the decorative flames of their livery as ornament throughout the Montefeltro palaces, including the ducal library's ceiling at Urbino.

By equal parts design and chance, Federico's education was itinerant, cultivating in him diplomatic and military skills while introducing him to the ruling elite in several of Italy's power centers. During his stay in Venice, he joined the chivalric order of the Compagnia della Calza, whose patrician members were known as the Accesi, the inflamed ones (Raggio, Gubbio Studiolo, 19). To the end of his life, Federico displayed the decorative flames of their livery as ornament throughout the Montefeltro palaces, including the ducal library's ceiling at Urbino.

From Architecture and memory: the Renaissance studioli of Federico de Montefeltro by Robert Kirkbride

  • Architectural History
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