• Figure 1.4 Mexican Employment by Sector, 2015 Note: N = 49,806,064 (total formally employed population). Data taken from the Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (https://www.inegi.org.mx/programas/enoe/15ymas/) and correspond to the first quarter of 2015. Primary sector refers to agricultural production; secondary sector refers to manufacturing, construction, and extractive industries; and tertiary sector refers to commerce and services.

Figure 1.4: Mexican Employment by Sector, 2015

From Evading the Patronage Trap: Interest Representation in Mexico by Brian Palmer-Rubin

  • Pie chart depicting employment across different economic sectors in Mexico
  • Latin American Studies
  • Political Science:Governance
  • Political Science:Public Policy
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