• Figure 7.3. India-Pakistan regime type and recurrent militarized disputes, 1990–2021. (a) Regime type, (b) regime years, (c) regime type during the initiation of MIDs, (d) no. of MIDs under particular type of regime. Source: Compiled from the COW database (2015, version 4.01; 2020, version 5.0); Polity-5 database (2018, version 5.0); newspaper reports 1990–2022. India’s and Pakistan’s polity scores for 2019, 2020 and 2021 are assessments based on their current state of democracy and the previous few years’ polity scores.

Regime type and the rivalry, 1990-2020

From Complex Rivalry: The Dynamics of India-Pakistan Conflict by Surinder Mohan

  • Asian Studies:South/Southeast Asia
  • Political Science:International Relations
  • Political Science:Conflict Resolution & Peace Studies
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