• Fig. 12. Detail from a physical and physiological exam for primary school students. The list of “attitudes” includes “hernias,” “vertebral column,” “bones and joints,” “orthopedic defects,” “habitual attitude,” and “speech defects.” Questions to be answered under “consequences” include “Can the student participate in group sports?” “Does he/she need to be sent to a special institution?” “Does he/she need preventive medication?” and “mentality.” Caja 35479, ref. 134, exp. 21, 1923. “[R]egistro escolar del alumno” Jesús A. Rojas. Folio 15. Archivo General de la Nación.

Detail from physical and physiological exam for primary school students in Mexico

From Embodied Archive: Disability in Post-Revolutionary Mexican Cultural Production by Susan Antebi

  • Disability Studies
  • 1923
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