• Fig. 7. The KMT Political Council, Guangzhou, July 1925. From left to right in the front row: Zhu Peide 朱培德 (in military uniform), Wang Jingwei, Hu Hanmin 胡漢民, Wu Chaoshu 伍朝樞, Liao Zhongkai 廖仲愷, and Chen Youren 陳友仁 (in military uniform). Mikhail Borodin and Vasily Blyukher (“Galen”) are in the second row. Photograph by Fu Bingchang. Image courtesy of C. H. Foo, Y. W. Foo, and Special Collections, University of Bristol Library (www.hpcbristol.net).

The KMT Political Council, Guangzhou, July 1925

From Poetry, History, Memory: Wang Jingwei and China in Dark Times by Zhiyi Yang

Creator Role
  • History:Chinese History
  • Asian Studies:China
  • Literary Studies:Poetry and Poetry Criticism
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