• Page 401 →Over 650,000 Lesbians, gay men, and gay rights supporters marched on Washington, D.C., on October 11, 1987, in one of the largest civil rights gatherings in U.S. history. The march was a coming together of the Lesbian and gay movements to affirm strength and solidarity, increase visibility, and demand more AIDS funding. More than 80 events made up the demonstration, including the Harvey Milk Memorial, the wedding, the unfurling of the Names Project Quilt embroidered with the names of people who died of AIDS, the rally organized by the People of Color Caucus, the march itself, and the October 13 civil disobedience at the Supreme Court. Chants included “For Love and For Life, We're Not Going Back,” while speeches inspired the crowd to fight for social change. Ginny Apuzzo, former executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, expressed the sentiments of many: “This movement saved my life. I will be committed to it until the day I die.”

Lesbian and Gay March on Washington postcard

From Women Making History: The Revolutionary Feminist Postcard Art of Helaine Victoria Press by Julia M. Allen and Jocelyn H. Cohen

  • Part of Women in Social Protest: The US Since 1915, A Photographic Postcard Series, a et of 22 postcards in a folio album. Printed offset, 4 ¼” x 6”, in sepia with black border. ISBN 0-9623911-0-7
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  • HISTORY / Women
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