• Fig. 2. A Latin Psalter, Bibliotheque Nationale Arsenal MS 1186 (1225–35), fol. 1v. (Image reproduced by permission from the Bibliothèque nationale de France.) Featuring a moment of charting/mapping time, this image captures a thirteenth-century vision of the work accomplished by Dionysius Exiguus, the tonsured figure seated on the right. The image carefully instructs viewers that the work of charting time—both measuring and recording it—belongs to the labor of the Christian religious who alone have the skills to tell time.

"Dionysius Exiguus's Calculations." Bibliothèque Nationale Arsenal MS 1186, Latin Psalter (1225-1235), f. 1v.

From The Medieval Postcolonial Jew, In and Out of Time by Miriamne Ara Krummel

  • Medieval and Renaissance Studies
  • Literary Studies
  • Jewish Studies
  • 1225-1235
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