• Figure 7.4. Everyday urban flows in and out of Omani Zanzibar. (a) Crossing the creek by the bridge at the northern end of the town, people from the shamba (countryside) are carrying produce to the market. (Source: www.zanzibarhistory.org.) (b) People crossing the creek by boats (Source: www.zanzibarhistory.org.) (c) Road through Mmazi Mmoya, in the southern end of Zanzibar Stone Town. Photo by J. Sturtz. (Source: The Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies Winterton Collection, Northwestern University.) (d) Landing place of Zanzibar harbor. Photo by J. Sturtz. (Source: http://www.omanisilver.com.)

Everyday urban flows in and out of Omani Zanzibar

From Physical Space and Spatiality in Muslim Societies: Notes on the Social Production of Cities by Mahbub Rashid

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  • Political Science:Political History
  • African Studies
  • Political Science:Political Theory
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