Lou Hotlzman's mother, Fannie, outside 99 Orchard Street
  • To support his own claim to the Lower East Side’s immigrant and working-class history, Lou Holtzman, co-owner of 99 Orchard Street, posted photographs of his family on his anti–Tenement Museum website, http://tenementnauseum.com. This photograph of his mother, Frances, was taken outside 99 Orchard Street in 1939 and recalls similar images of Tenement Museum “alumni.” Courtesy of Lou Holtzman.

Lou Hotlzman's mother, Fannie, outside 99 Orchard Street

From Radical Roots: Public History and a Tradition of Social Justice Activism by Edited by Denise D. Meringolo

  • Activist Studies
  • Critical Pedagogy
  • History
  • Public Humanities
  • 1939
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