• Figure 42: A Chinese-Korean bilingual color poster for the 1978 Love of the White Snake (Zhen Baishe zhuan). The title is given simply as Baishe zhuan, with Korean director Choi Dong-joon and Chinese director Li Han-hsiang listed together as directors. The film is described as a coproduction between Hong Kong’s First Films (Diyi yingye) and Korea’s Woo Sung Enterprises (Jusikoesa Useongsa). The Korean Movie Database features this poster as the image for the film, which is designated a Korean production; see https://www.kmdb.or.kr/eng/db/kor/detail/movie/K/03251/credit; also see https://tieba.baidu.com/p/3624404079?red_tag=0440089292.

A color poster for the 1978 Love of the White Snake

From The Global White Snake by Liang Luo

  • Asian Studies:China
  • Cultural Studies
  • History:Chinese History
  • Theater and Performance
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