1. Son of Humanity, Scivias, book 3, vision 10: Hildegard sees "the Shining One" (the youthful Christ) seated at the eastern corner of a building but hidden from her from the waist down. Below him appear Constancy (the stag connotes transience), Celestial Desire, and Compunction of Heart, then a bodiless Contempt of the World and winged Concord, whose face is so bright Hildegard "could not look fully at her."

Son of Humanity, Scivias, book 3, vision 10: Hildegard sees "the Shining One" (the youthful Christ) seated at the eastern corner of a building but hidden from her from the waist down. Below him appear Constancy (the stag connotes transience), Celestial Desire, and Compunction of Heart, then a bodiless Contempt of the World and winged Concord, whose face is so bright Hildegard "could not look fully at her."

From Voice of the living light: Hildegard of Bingen and her world by Barbara Newman

  • Women's Studies
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