• Fig. 10. Detail from an inspection report on the hygienic conditions of a primary school. The report was completed by Dr. Miguel Cabrera on January 23, 1935, and documents the poor sanitary conditions of the school, as well as its “sad, dilapidated” appearance. Caja 35540, 17-13-5-94. “Informe sobre las condiciones higienicas de la escuela 13–9 III-421.1 (II-21-13-9)-1. Escuela Primaria #13–9 Pino Suárez #44 cd. Archivo General de la Nación.

School inspection report from Mexican Department of Psychopedagogy and Hygiene, 1935

From Embodied Archive: Disability in Post-Revolutionary Mexican Cultural Production by Susan Antebi

  • Disability Studies
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