• Figure 8.8. a–c. 100 MHz GPR Profiles 1-3 at Tumulus 052 (see Figure 8.5a for location). Horizontal position (m) is on the x-axis, two-way travel time (ns) is on the left y-axis, and elevation (m), following topographic correction and depth conversion, is on the right y-axis. Vertical exaggeration is approximately 2X.

100 MHz GPR Profiles 1-3 at T-052 (see Figure 8.5a for location)

From Archaeological Investigations in a Northern Albanian Province: Results of the Projekti Arkeologjik i Shkodrës (PASH): Volume One: Survey and Excavation Results by Michael L. Galaty and Lorenc Bejko, Editors

  • History:European History
  • Archaeology
  • European Studies:Eastern European Studies
  • European Studies:Balkans
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