• Fig40. Here the writer adds the DevonThink database application (noted through the app’s icon of a blue nautilus shell) as a digital commonplace book. The map helps her see where the database might fit into her process, and the faded remnants of a notebook help her see how past practices inform new ones. There’s also a minor shift in the arrows marking movement across technologies. Although the database facilitates preservation and recall, the map shows how it might limit flexibility.

Workflow map for drafting a speaker introduction with Devonthink added

From Writing Workflows: Beyond Word Processing by Tim Lockridge and Derek Van Ittersum

  • Here, the writer adds the DevonThink database application (noted through the app's icon of a blue nautilus shell) as a digital commonplace book. The map helps her see where the database might fit into her process, and the faded remnants of a notebook help her see how past practices inform new ones. There's also a minor shift in the arrows marking movement across technologies. Although the database facilitates preservation and recall, the map shows how it might limit flexibility.
  • Media Studies:New Media
  • Writing
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