• Figure 8.1. ENGOs’ Engagement in Different Advocacy Tactics, Percentages Note: ENGOs were asked how frequently they had contacted members of the People’s Congress and Political Consultative Conference at both local and national levels. Those that were reported as barely were coded 0, and those that had contacted officials at the legislative organs at least once a year over the past three years were coded 1. For the rest of the advocacy activities, ENGOs that had engaged in the activities fairly often and very often were coded 1, and 0 otherwise. Percentages indicate the percentage of ENGOs that had engaged in the activities fairly often and very often.

ENGOs’ Engagement in Different Advocacy Tactics, Percentages

From Lobbying the Autocrat: The Dynamics of Policy Advocacy in Nondemocracies by Max Grömping and Jessica C. Teets, Editors

  • Political Science:Governance
  • Political Science:Comparative Politics
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