• Figure 7.16. Views of Omani Zanzibar. (a) A rooftop panorama of Zanzibar showing makuti huts alongside Arab houses with flat roofs and small windows. Photo by J. Sturtz. (Source: omanisilver.com.) (b) Pwani Ndogo (South of Darajani Bridge) dividing Stone Town and N’gambo. (Photo by J. Sturtz.) (c) Darajani Bridge over Pwani Ndogo. (d) Houses in Mchangani, N’gambo. Even though separated from the town by the creek, Ng’ambo and the Stone Town remained dependent on each other in economic and social pursuits. (Source for b, c, and d: The Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies Winterton Collection, Northwestern University.)

The Stone Town and Ng’ambo

From Physical Space and Spatiality in Muslim Societies: Notes on the Social Production of Cities by Mahbub Rashid

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  • Political Science:Political History
  • African Studies
  • Political Science:Political Theory
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