• Figure 6. Comment exemplifying “pussy state” argument


  • "Comment: I talked to Vlad for a few minutes over Skype today, and he promised me that my check would be mailed in 7-10 American business days. Excited.
    Response by Fuhrer: This idiotic move by the Jews, combined with making the US look like a total “pussy state,” because it painstakingly avoided harming even one hair of “Russian bear’s” head, make’s Trump look like more a laughingstock than Niggerbama."

Figure 6 “Fuhrer” comment exemplifying "Pussy state" argument

From Creating Chaos Online: Disinformation and Subverted Post-Publics by Asta Zelenkauskaite

  • Screen shot from Gab that includes an exchange between two users: Marcus and Fuhrer.
  • Political Science:Political Communication
  • Media Studies
  • 2019
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