• Ex-voto to Our Lady of the Rosary. On Monday, 23 of April, 1742, Michela Butrageño fell ill with colera morbus, spewing out the burning liquid humor, without eating or sleeping for three days and nights. On the 26th of that month, mass was said to Our Lady in her chapel and when the mass was finished, the patient was asleep and began to recover. And for this she promised this retablo to Our Lady of the Rosary …

On Monday, 23 of April, 1742, Michela Butrageño fell ill with colera morbus, spewing out the burning liquid humor, without eating or sleeping for three days and nights. On the 26th of that month, mass was said to Our Lady in her chapel and when the mass was finished, the patient was asleep and began to recover. And for this she promised this retablo to Our Lady of the Rosary …

From Pestilence and headcolds: encountering illness in colonial Mexico by Sherry Fields

  • Latin American
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