• Figure 7.7. Palaces and courts in Omani Zanzibar. (a) View from the sea of Palace Square and Harem. (b) Beit al Sahel and Harem on the left; Beit al Hukm in the middle; and the clock tower and Beit al-Ajaib on the right. (c) Beit al-Ajaib with the clock tower. (d) Palace square with Beit al-Hukm. Photo by J. Sturtz. (Source: The Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies Winterton Collection, Northwestern University.)

Palaces and courts in Omani Zanzibar

From Physical Space and Spatiality in Muslim Societies: Notes on the Social Production of Cities by Mahbub Rashid

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  • Political Science:Political History
  • African Studies
  • Political Science:Political Theory
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