• Fig 5.1. Protest sites during the 1987 June Democratic Uprising and the NKDP vote share in 1985. Election data are from the National Election Commission of the Republic of Korea and the protest data are from the author’s dataset.

Protest Sites during the 1987 June Democratic Uprising and the NKDP Vote Share in 1985

From Seeds of Mobilization: The Authoritarian Roots of South Korea's Democracy by Joan E. Cho

  • Map of South Korea indicating protest sites during the 1987 June Democratic Uprising and the vote share the NKDP received in 1985 National Assembly elections in each county. Protest sites are in red dots and the share of votes is in shades of gray with darker shades indicating a greater vote share for the NKDP.
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  • Asian Studies:Korea
  • Political Science:Governance
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