- Velma B. (“Wild Horse Annie”) Johnston (1912-1977). A leading figure in the animal protection movement, Annie spent her last 25 years crusading to save the free-roaming mustangs and burros on the Western range. Her persuasive reason and documentation resulted in the federal Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971, which declares legal protection and designates these endangered animals as National Heritage Species. Mustangs grazing on public lands have long been the victims of brutal slaughter by ranchers, not only for pet food sales, but now in retaliation for protective legislation. At present an estimated 10,000 mustangs remain. The Grand Canyon National Park Service (exempt from the 1971 law) plans to exterminate the Canyon and Death Valley Park burros. Annie, who became legendary in her own lifetime, has left a spirit inspiring others to work for the preservation of the threatened, a vision of the impossible made possible.