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SOMA 2005: Proceedings of the IX Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Chieti (Italy), 24-26 February 2005
O. Menozzi, M. L. Di Marzio, D. Fossataro, S. Trinchese, L. Cherstich and S. Antonelli
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84 papers representing the proceedings of the IX Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology held in Chieti (Italy), 24-26 February 2005.
Front Cover
Title Page
Table of Contents
Preface and Acknowledgements
INTRODUCTION: Il Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology 2005 e la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Chieti
SESSION I: DSA projects and Studies: Projects, activities, studies and researches of the members of the Department of Sciences of Antiquities of Chieti University
Carmen Epigraphicum Iuvanense
Un'ipotesi di interpretazione di Bacch. fr. 20D Maehler
Venticinque anni di attività della Cattedra di Archeologia Classica e Numismatica Antica. Lo scavo di Iuvanum e la Missione in Libia
Attività della cattedra di Topografia antica
Archeometria e Metodologie della Ricerca Archeologica. Dall’analisi settoriale alla ricerca interdisciplinare
New technologies and traditional approaches in reconstructing the ancient landscape assessment
Poetry and Pottery related to the Symposium in Archaic Sparta
Modelli insediativi tra alto e basso medioevo: alcuni esempi dall’area centroitalica
SESSION II: Art & Iconography
The muses in the archaic period: literary images and early vascular scenes on black figure vases
Ring Idols of Bakla Tepe: the distribution of this type in Anatolia with particular references to the Aegean and the Balkans
Anthropomorphic images of the Early and Middle Neolithic apulo-lucano Aspects and interpretative problems
The Meaning of ‘Mycenaean’
Avori orientalizzanti dall’Italia
SESSION III: Death & Burial
“Invisible rituals” and cyclical trends in the tombs of Haleg Stawat
The role of Alexandria in Cyrenean cemeteries from ‘Ptolemization’ to Romanization
La tipologia di sepoltura dell’arcosolium a Cirene: derivazione, problemi, evidenze e confronti
Nuovi dati sullo studio della necropoli Ovest di Cirene
Cyrenean Greek Sarcophagi
Rock Cut Necropoleis of Western Phrygia (From Phrygian Period to Roman Imperial Period)
SESSION IV: Literary and Epigraphic sources
The silphium plant: new evidence in Latin Literature
Tradizioni onomastiche a Cirene (Libia)
Sparta ridente. Le maschere di Orthia e le origini della farsa dorica
The Theatre of Dionysus and the Pnyx Aristophanes’ Acharnians 1-173
Osservazioni su Elena pre-omerica
Un Nauvlocoς presso Messina: studio filologico delle fonti Antiche
Le iscrizioni pederotiche dell’antica Thera
SESSION V: Maritime Archaeology
SESSION VI: Coins, Economy & Trade
Maritime Interactions in SW Aegean during the Bronze Age
Prehistoric Trade Routes In the Black Sea
The Pirate Chief Zenicetes and Olympos in the East Lycia
Archaeology of a Common Sailor? Sea and Seafaring people in the Imperial Rome
Breve storia della viticoltura nell’antichità
Tabernae e botteghe artigiane nell’Italia Centrale. Aree commerciali e Fori: alcuni esempi pratici
Relations between the patterns of coin circulation in Venetia et Histria and the provinces of Noricum mediterraneum and ripense in Late Roman times
Ripostigli monetali in Abruzzo Distribuzione topografica e cronologica mediante l’uso del G.I.S.
The hypothesis of an Ice Age settlement in the Straits of Sicily
Garum production in Lusitania
SESSION VIII: Archaeometry and Remote Sensing
Évidence pour la guerre dans les règlements d'âge de fer de la France méridionale
Archaeometric investigation of ancient pottery from recent excavations in the centre of Rome (Quirinale hill)
Utilizzo di immagini satellitari ad alta risoluzioni per indagini archeologiche. L’esempio di Capestrano
SESSION IX: Landscape Archaeology
Geographical Distribution and Architectural Characteristics of Roman Theatres in Greece. A Theoretical Approach based on Fernand Braudel’s Three Planes of Historical Time
La localizzazione del Nauvlocos presso Messina analisi preliminare attraverso la storia degli studi e dei ritrovamenti
The ancient delicatessen “macellum”. Some thoughts about the macella in Anatolia
Religious Landscape. A case-study from Latium Vetus
I complessi rupestri a carattere eremitico nel comprensorio del Gran Sasso e dei Monti della Laga
Investment and Prestige at Neopalatial Knossos
Progetto Capestrano: ricognizioni e scavi, campagne 2000-2004
Espacios fortificados y territorio en la Marca Superior de Al-Andalus: fortificaciones de los banū qasī
The town of Forum Sempronii (Marche, Italy) and its relationship with the contemporary landscape
Between the Sahara and the Mediterranean: a Study of the Middle Holocene Communities of the Sebkhet Halk el Menjel (Tunisia). The first three Campaigns 2002-2004
The Rise of Pre-state Entities in Crete at the End of the Bronze Age: a Socio-economic Perspective
Gli insediamenti nel Peloponneso nord-occidentale durante la Tarda Età del Bronzo alla luce delle scoperte nell’area nord-occidentale
New observations on the settlement pattern of Phrygians in Western Phrygia
Le limitationes di Teate Marrucinorum
SESSION 10: Religion & Sacred Space
SESSION 11: In Situ Museums
From “Priests-Kings” to High Priest? Cypriot Sanctuaries, Ptolemaic Sculpture and Social Power
The Phrygian Rock Cut Religious Monuments, the Destructions of the Monuments and Their Restoration Processes
Constructing Identities in Sacred Interstate Space: The case of the Arkadian Monument at Delphi
Observations on The Phrygian Rock-Cut Altars
Discerning the evidence of ‘in situ museums’ in Greece
“Getting Lost in the Labyrinth”: Tourists at the Site of Knossos
Maritime Heritage and the shaping of National Identity: The case of the Historical Archive-Museum of Hydra, Greece
SESSION XII: Reports and Excavations
A Late Roman Amphorae Production in Eastern Sicily
The Fortified Monastery of S.Pietro at Roccamontepiano (Chieti, Italy)
Centuripe (EN). Nuovi dati sull’edificio romano di contrada Vagni
The millstones and diffusion of new grinding techniques from Assyrian Mesopotamia To the eastern Mediterranean basin during the iron age
Cirene in età arcaica alla luce degli scavi nell’area della Casa del Propileo: produzioni ceramiche locali di coppe ioniche, descrizione delle argille locali e dati preliminari delle indagini
Late Bronze Age Aegean Ceramics Excavated in the New Kingdom Nubian Fortress System: An Overview
Lo scavo del Teatro romano di Hatria Picena e le fasi urbanistiche del quartiere
La Chiesa Di Santa Maria In Basilica: Dall’insediamento Romano Al Monastero Benedettino
Ceramiche Sigillate Africane e Microasiatiche nella Val Pescara
Rovere Castle (AQ, Central Italy): problems of stratigraphy and sources in the Dark Ages
The Bath-Gymnasium Complex of Vedius in Ephesus
Notizie preliminari dalle indagini archeologiche presso la fortificazione di Castel Manfrino (Teramo)
La ceramica bassomedievale
La suppellettile in vetro
I metalli
Gli intonaci dipinti della chiesa bassomedievale
Citable Link
Published: 2008
Publisher: BAR Publishing
- 9781407301815 (paperback)
- 9781407332253 (ebook)
BAR Number: S1739
- Art / Sculpture / Gems / Seals
- Epigraphy / Ancient and Medieval Texts / Papyri
- Neolithic / Chalcolithic
- Greece, Aegean, Crete and Black Sea
- Death / Burial / Cemeteries / Tombs
- Classical and Hellenistic
- Mediterranean
- Levant / Near East
- Archaeometry / Scientific Dating
- Architecture / Domestic and Urban Buildings and Space / Urbanism
- Ceramics and Pottery Studies
- Multiperiod
- Numismatics
- Excavation / Fieldwork / Survey
- Africa
- Trade / Exchange / Travel / Economy
- Landscape Archaeology
- Bronze Age and Iron Age