Ceramic Studies: Papers on the social and cultural significance of ceramics in Europe and Eurasia from prehistoric to historic times Dragos Gheorghiu (2006) BAR Number: S1553
Continuity and Change: Memorialisation and the Cornish funeral monument industry, 1497-1660 Paul Cockerham (2006) BAR Number: B412
La malacofaune de sites mésolithiques et néolithiques de la façade atlantique de la France: Contribution à l'économie et à l'identité culturelle des groupes concernés Catherine Dupont (2006) BAR Number: S1571
Basal-Looped Spearheads: Typology, chronology, context and use Richard Davis (2006) BAR Number: S1497
Charcoal Analysis: New Analytical Tools and Methods for Archaeology: Papers from the Table-Ronde held in Basel 2004 Alexa Dufraisse (2006) BAR Number: S1483
The Origins of Transhumant Pastoralism in Temperate Southeastern Europe: A zooarchaeological perspective from the Central Balkans Elizabeth R. Arnold and Haskel J. Greenfield (2006) BAR Number: S1538
L'archéologie et l'éducation / Archaeology and Education: From primary school to university/De l'école primaire à l'université Jean-Claude Marquet, Caroline Pathy-Barker and Claude Cohen (2006) BAR Number: S1505
Archaeology of the Mimbres Region Southwestern New Mexico U.S.A. Stephen H. Lekson (2006) BAR Number: S1466
Lucernas romanas en el extremo nordeste de la Península Ibérica Josep Casas-Genover and Victòria Soler-Fusté (2006) BAR Number: S1567
Archaeological Investigations in the Río Huamelula Valley: Settlement History and Material Culture in Southeastern Oaxaca Mexico Peter C. Kroefges (2006) BAR Number: S1496
Worshippers and Warriors: Reconstructing gender and gender relations in the prehistoric rock art of Naquane National Park, Valcamonica, Brescia, northern Italy Lynne Bevan (2006) BAR Number: S1485
Des les goths aux huns: Le nord de la mer noire au Bas-empire et a l'epoque des grandes migrations Mark Ščukin, Michel Kazanski and Oleg Sharov (2006) BAR Number: S1535
Hellenistic Gold Eros Jewellery: Technique, style and chronology Monica M. Jackson (2006) BAR Number: S1510
Corpus of Inscriptions of the Herakleopolitan Period from the Memphite Necropolis: Translation, commentary and analyses Khaled Abdalla Daoud (2005) BAR Number: S1459