• Ford Employees in 1911 Top row: Theo Purman, Wm. King, Sol Logan, Fred Collins, Oscar Grade, Harry Hickey, C. W. Avery, Alex Sparks, John Putnam, Paul Neinas. Second row: Leo Moss, L. B. Robertson, Ed Clemett, Geo. Howard, J. Miller, E. P. Hobart, Chas. Beebe, Herb Payne, Doctor Mead, Ernie Davis, Wm. Ryan, Ed. Harper, Archie Tyrell, Carl Emde, "Scotty" Hueglin, Phil. Fishback. Third row: Fred Allison, Gus Walter, Otto Tilly, Wm. Cars-well, Joe Galamb, Edsel Ford, W. C. White, F. L. Klingensmith, Fred Diehl, Jim Purdy, Wm. Klann, Gus Spengler, Jos. Godette, John Wan-dersee. Front row: Chas. Sorensen, P. E. Martin, Gus Degener, Frank Kulick, Henry Ford, C. H. Wills, Edward G ay, John R. Lee, G. M. McGregor, Chas. Hartner, Chas. Meida

Top row: Theo Purman, Wm. King, Sol Logan, Fred Collins, Oscar Grade, Harry Hickey, C. W. Avery, Alex Sparks, John Putnam, Paul Neinas. Second row: Leo Moss, L. B. Robertson, Ed Clemett, Geo. Howard, J. Miller, E. P. Hobart, Chas. Beebe, Herb Payne, Doctor Mead, Ernie Davis, Wm. Ryan, Ed. Harper, Archie Tyrell, Carl Emde, "Scotty" Hueglin, Phil. Fishback. Third row: Fred Allison, Gus Walter, Otto Tilly, Wm. Cars-well, Joe Galamb, Edsel Ford, W. C. White, F. L. Klingensmith, Fred Diehl, Jim Purdy, Wm. Klann, Gus Spengler, Jos. Godette, John Wan-dersee. Front row: Chas. Sorensen, P. E. Martin, Gus Degener, Frank Kulick, Henry Ford, C. H. Wills, Edward G ay, John R. Lee, G. M. McGregor, Chas. Hartner, Chas. Meida

From Ford: The Times, The Man, The Company by Allan Nevins

  • American: 1900-present
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