• Figure 7.9. Map of Zanzibar drawn by the Survey of India in 1892 under the direction of Consul General Gerald Portal. The map is the first to accurately show the street pattern and indicate all the names of the different mitaa of the town. To the north, the Darajani Bridge was still the main route out of the town. A road along the neck of land called Mnazi Mmoja provides a new route out of town to the south. In addition, there was a canoe ferry service that crossed to the main island from Mkunazini, and a low-tide track which traversed the creek at its southern end. (Source: Author)

Map of Zanzibar drawn by the Survey of India in 1892 under the direction of Consul General Gerald Portal

From Physical Space and Spatiality in Muslim Societies: Notes on the Social Production of Cities by Mahbub Rashid

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  • Political Science:Political History
  • African Studies
  • Political Science:Political Theory
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