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Animated by Uncertainty: Rugby and the Performance of History in South Africa
Joshua D. Rubin
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In Animated by Uncertainty, Joshua D. Rubin analyzes South African rugby through the lens of aesthetic politics. Building on 17 months of ethnographic research with rugby coaches, players, and administrators, the author argues that rugby is a form of performance and further that the qualities that define rugby shape the political ends to which the sport can be put. In this respect, Animated by Uncertainty demonstrates that theories of sporting politics cannot afford to overlook the qualities of the sports themselves, and it provides a theoretical approach to illustrate how these qualities can be studied. The book also analyzes the ways that apartheid and colonialism inhere in South African institutions and practices.Drawing inspiration from the observation that South Africans could always abandon rugby if they chose to do so, Rubin highlights how the continuing significance of rugby as a form of performance brings traces of South Africa's apartheid and colonial past into the country's contemporary political moment.
Fig. 4. A panel from the South African underground comic Bitterkomix, drawn and written by Conrad Botes and Anton Kannemeyer, juxtaposing rugby and disciplinary violence. For a deep engagement with the particular politics of Bitterkomix and with the implications of those politics for Afrikaner belonging in post-apartheid South Africa, see Barnard’s “Bitterkomix: Notes from the Post-apartheid Underground” (2004). (Panel reprinted with permission of Anton Kannemeyer; from Botes and Kannemeyer 1998, 15.)
Fig. 5. Advertisement for Windhoek Lager, found in the program for a professional rugby game in 2011. Windhoek is a Namibian brewery, and its lager is widely available in South Africa. The fine print reads, “It takes courage and an unwavering commitment to play rugby. Give 100%, [sic] 100% of the time and you’ll make the cut. Anything less is inconceivable. We brew Windhoek Lager in much the same way. A single-minded dedication and commitment to brewing only 100% pure beer is at the heart of everything we do—let’s face it, you can’t fake 100% pure beer.”
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